Attention Coaches, Healers, & Leaders Seeking To Scale Without Burning Out

Revolutionize Your Coaching Business With live events & group Experiences

Thrive In Your Gifts As a Coach, Healer, or Leader WITHOUT Risking Years of Trial & Error or Burn Out

Revolutionize Your Coaching Business with events & group Experiences

Grow As a Coach, Healer, or Transformational Artist WITHOUT Risking Years of Trial & Error or Burn Out

👆🏼watch & Access 6 Hours of Trainings for just $97! 👆🏼

It's Time to Share Your Gifts In A Business You Love

It's Time to Share Your Gifts In A Business You Love

Join Us To Access Proven and Easy to Implement Guidance for Launching Events & Group Coaching Programs

These Recordings Will Give You Three Invaluable Insights to Live Your Dream:

1) How to Create Live & Virtual Events

There's no way to create relationships and revenue like events. You're going to get access to game-changing insights to propel you forward in your coaching career.

2) How to Create Group Coaching Programs

One to one coaching clients are great for making an impact, but lead to burnout. Group coaching containers provide consistent revenue, time freedom, and the ability to build a life you LOVE while serving in your mission.


3) How to Build a Dream Team

We can only go as far as the team we build. If you want to attract speakers, sponsors, and investors to your mission, we will give you the step by step roadmap.

AUREA Testimonials

Lakia Meadan

Owner, Sacred Earth Travels & OV Yoga

"I am deeply grateful to Jackson Strong and the AUREA Stage Secrets coaching program. Jackson's guidance has been nothing short of transformative.

His unique blend of expertise, compassion, and unwavering support has empowered me to step into my true potential with confidence and clarity. Jackson, thank you for your invaluable wisdom and for believing in me every step of the way.

Your coaching has not only enhanced my skills but has also ignited a newfound passion within me. I can't recommend AUREA Stage Secrets enough for anyone looking to elevate their presence and impact."

Fernando Subirats,

Founder The Manifestival

"What I loved about Stage Secrets is how deep within myself the program invited me to go into. To ask me the hard questions about who I am as a creator, who I am as a leader, what is my really deep why for what I do.

Who exactly I'm looking to work with. Who do I not want to work with? What type of income am I looking to create. What type of impact am I looking to make?

I highly highly recommend Stage Secrets and Jackson Strong who is an individual of extreme high integrity and care and devotion who is an excellent teacher and a great leader. You won't regret it. If you do the work, you will get the results you're looking for."

Daniela Sardi &Tyler Schraeder

"Thank you Jackson for creating Stage Secrets! AUREA was nothing short of a magical experience. Thankful to be a part of it and be within that container.

As a person who struggled with my voice my whole life, I have definitely leveled-up. It's been a life-changing experience. Extemely motivational. Jackson is a superstar, extemely supportive. I would encourage anyone to signup ASAP, you gotta do it!

It's truly a deep dive into your soul's purpose. Being in a group container with Jackson and other vibrant souls is so expansive. 11 out of 10! We love you and hope you get the same results!

Kim Kong

Performer & Founder, Movement University

"Jackson knows how to bring your authenticity to life and break through the blocks to speaking your truth! I know my business and my heart as an entrepreneur is in a much better place because of his
role in my life."

Genevieve Lejeune


Skirt Club

"The time I've invested with Jackson has led to tangible results in our business. I know he cares about his work, his clients, and seeing them succeed because he's shown up rain or shine for me and Skirt Club."

Benjamin Zaemisch



"My investment with Jackson has helped me find hidden parts and pieces of my voice that needed to be heard. He's a trusted confidant, coach, and a passionate advocate for me every step of the way."

For Only $97 You'll Now Be Able to:

  • Attract Ideal clients and raving fans into live and virtual events

  • Inspire movements with your brand and avoid generic sales and marketing

  • Structure life-changing group coaching experiences for your tribe

  • Create a six-figure coaching business with time freedom and ease

  • Live a life you LOVE as a professional coach, healer, or transformational artist

What You Will Discover In These Exclusive Recordings:

1) Stage Readiness

How to be clear, compelling,

and captivating on stage

2) Profiting on Stage

How to create a system for tickets, sponsors, investors, and enrollments into a "high-ticket" offer

3) Strategic Partners

How to recruit a team of promoters, investors, and speakers that your ideal audience loves and will pay to come see

Kim Kong

Performer & Founder, Movement University

"Jackson knows how to bring your authenticity to life and break through the blocks to speaking your truth! I know my business and my heart as an entrepreneur is in a much better place because of his
role in my life."

Genevieve Lejeune


Skirt Club

"The time I've invested with Jackson has led to tangible results in our business. I know he cares about his work, his clients, and seeing them succeed because he's shown up rain or shine for me and Skirt Club."

Benjamin Zaemisch



"My investment with Jackson has helped me find hidden parts and pieces of my voice that needed to be heard. He's a trusted confidant, coach, and a passionate advocate for me every step of the way."

Your Host: Jackson Strong

Co-Founder & CEO of AUREA

My career began in the high-tech private equity and startup world. Despite professional success, I was a dying inside as a "closet mystic" surrounded by amazing spiritual teachers while living a soul-less life in the corporate world.

So in 2016, I quit the corporate life, took the priceless tools I'd learned for growing businesses, and dedicated myself to serving purpose-driven entrepreneurs as a mindset and marketing coach.

In some ways it was amazing, I've been blessed to serve incredible coaches, healers, and teachers around the world. However in many other ways, it was incredibly stressful, energy-depleting, and more difficult than anything I've ever done.

With gratitude to my Divine Guides and Allies, I've been surrounded by world-class mentors and leaders who helped me created AUREA. Since September 2022, we've generated over $600,000 in cash flow for the business by leading transformational events, masterminds, and group coaching experiences. I'm grateful to say that today I'm leading a company I love.

It's my absolute joy to share these insights, tools, and hard-won lessons with you now! For $97 this is a massive value.

Feature World-Changing Special Guests!

Paul Hutchinson, Entrepreneur, Activist

Founder, Child Liberation Foundation, Executive Producer, Sound of Freedom, Founder of Bridge Financial Group, a $20B+ Investment Firm

Mayah Rose, Divine Muse & Speaker Trainer

Founder of The Speakers Coalition, Coach, and

Creator of Fem-Intuition,

World-Class Expert In

Speaking From Stage.

Founder of The Speakers Coalition, Coach, and Creator of Fem-Intuition, World-Class Expert In Speaking From Stage.

Gerald Rogers, Master Hypnotist & Coach

Leader of over 190 events, international retreats, and trusted confidant to major

global leaders, speakers, and entrepreneurs.

If all you got from these was the insights from Paul, Mayah Rose, and Gerald, your $97 investment would be well worth it!

Combined with all of the other trainings, it's a massive value and up-level to your life.

What Makes These Recordings So Different?

We're teaching pure strategies that are working NOW that leave out the hype and common sense stuff you already know.

These step-by-step instructions are delivered in a celebratory, high-energy environment that will lead to a breakthrough opportunity for you to grow your business in a way that's healthy, scalable, and enjoyable.

You're going to get the exact blueprint that allowed us to create a $600,000+ business, speak on international stages, create six-figure group coaching programs and lead retreats with globally-respected artists and entrepreneurs.

AUREA Client Testimonials

Kim Kong

Performer & Founder, Movement University

"Jackson knows how to bring your authenticity to life and breakthrough the blocks to speaking your truth! I know my business and my heart as an entrepreneur is in a much better place because of his role in my life."

Genevieve Lejeune

Founder, Skirt Club

"The time I've invested with Jackson has led to major results in our business. I know he cares about his work, his clients, and seeing them succeed because he's shown up rain or shine for me and Skirt Club."

Benjamin Zaemisch

Founder, TheManicSerenity

"My investment with Jackson has helped me find hidden parts and pieces of my voice that needed to be heard. He's a trusted confidant, coach, and a passionate advocate for me every step of the way."

Create The Freedom

You Deserve And Desire

Does This Sound Like You?

Frustrated watching others share their gifts and traveling the world

Getting burned out serving 1 to 1 clients

Wanting to lead international retreats and masterminds with clients you love

Feeling like your moment to shine is passing you by

Create The Freedom

You Deserve & Desire

Does This Sound Like You?

Frustrated watching others share their gifts and traveling the world

Getting burned out with 1 to 1 clients

Wanting to lead amazing retreats and masterminds but not knowing how

Step Up As A Speaker

In the New Golden Age

Before The Summit:

Being frustrated watching others share their message and voice on stage

Seeing others on stage and knowing you have just as powerful a message

Feeling like your people are missing out on the healing and passion you have

Slowly watching your moment to shine pass you by...

Would You Rather Feel Like This?

Clarity into YOUR unique message and movement-worthy mission

A definitive roadmap for building programs, events, revenue streams, and global impact

Ready-to-use marketing advice that will serve ANY niche, product, or service

How to be efficient, easy, and emotionally-stable while doing great work in the world

Would You Rather Feel Like This?

Clarity into YOUR unique message and movement-worthy mission

A definitive roadmap for building programs, events, revenue streams, and global impact

Ready-to-use marketing advice that will serve ANY niche, product, or service

At ease, emotionally-stable while doing great work in the world

It's time for You To Thrive In Your Gifts By Creating The Structure and Success You Deserve!

My mission with AUREA is to help you build an incredible life of impact while thriving emotionally, financially, and individually. In order to do that, you need to be able to attract your tribe and create massive value for them WITHOUT burning yourself out.

The problem is it's really complicated to create the structure and system required for all of it. Which often makes incredible coaches and healers feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and feeling incapable of achieving the success you deserve.

I believe this is just plain wrong!!

I understand how hard it is to feel stressed and confused on how to grow your soul-driven mission. I have been there! That's why I and my team work so hard to serve you!

If you click below now you can access SIX HOURS of recordings and transform your life, the lives of your tribe, and long-term success!

Love & Strength,

Jackson Strong, CEO, AUREA

It's time for You To Thrive In Your Gifts By Creating A Business You Love!

My mission with AUREA is to help you build an incredible life of impact while thriving emotionally, financially, and individually. In order to do that, you need to be able to attract your tribe and create massive value for them WITHOUT burning yourself out.

The problem is it's really complicated to create the structure and system required for all of it. Which often makes incredible coaches and healers feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and feeling incapable of achieving the success you deserve.

I believe this is just plain wrong!!

I understand how hard it is to feel stressed and confused on how to grow your soul-driven mission. I have been there! That's why I and my team work so hard to serve you!

If you click below now you can access SIX HOURS of recordings and transform your life, the lives of your tribe, and long-term success!

Love & Strength,

Jackson Strong, CEO, AUREA

Copyright © 2024 AUREA, LLC. All Rights Reserved.